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Metus Host Booter 2.0.1


Host Booting TutorialCompletely Written by Brent328Please give credit if you post this elsewhere. This took a lot of time.Note. Not every Host Booter is in here, there are probably hundreds of them out there.Note. These will usually bedetected as the following - Backdoor.Trojan, Trojan.BotNet,Trojan.HackTool, HackTool.botWatch. I guarantee you that they are NOTinfected, as long as you don't run the bot servers on your computer.What is Host Booting?Host Booting is a form of DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service).What is a DDoS?You get zombies, and you attack an IP with a shit load of packets.These are most commonly used in video games like Halo 2 and 3, andGears of War 2.

1) Sign up and make a redirect host to your IP address.2) Open up MeTuS Delphi and go to the 'Server Builder' tab. Put yourno-ip redirect host that you created in the 'Host' text box. Choose theport and stuff you want to use for connections. Edit all other settingsto your liking, then click the 'Build' button. The server you justcreated will be in the same folder that the client is located.3) Go to the 'Options' tab in the client and put the port that you usedto create your server in the 'Auto-Listen Port' textbox and then click'Save Settings'4) Now all you need to do is spread the server.exe.

I would recommend crypting it first because it's highly detected.For MeTuS GB Edition. Help:1) Right click on the bot file and click 'Hex Edit with Hex Workshop'2) Press CTRL + F to open the Find box.3) For 'Type:' scroll down to 'Text String'.

Once you've done thatclick on 'Either' on the options. Now for the 'Value' type in 'LOL' andclick OK.4) Now you'll see 'LOL.no-ip.info', so now you will have to go to Save.For the BioZombie Bot. Help:1) Right click on the bot file and click 'Hex Edit with Hex Workshop'2) Press CTRL + F to open the Find box.3) For 'Type:' scroll down to 'Text String'. Once you've done thatclick on 'Either' on the options. Now for the 'Value' type in 'EDIT'and click OK.4) Now you'll see 'EDITT22.no-ip.info', so now you will have to go to Be sure to use a real email address because you will need to verify it.5) Now login to and click 'Add a Host' make your no-ip hostname 7 charactors. Example:: ABCD123.no-ip.info6) Go back to your Hex Workshop and edit the 'EDITT22' to the no-ip you chose.7) Go to File Save.Spreading Your BotSpreading is the hardest part of the process, finding where all the stupid people download from.One method of spreading is torrent. Find out how to make torrentsAnother method is YouTube videos.

You make a video of something thatsomeone wants, upload your binded/crypted bot to a downloading sitelike or and say its what they want.You can also spread on forums. I won't explain it all, just say it'ssomething that the members would want and post it for download.


Metus Host Booter 2.0.1 Download

Iwouldn't recommend spreading on hacking-related websites, they aren'tas stupid.Binders and CryptersBinder and crypters are used to make your bot server less detectable byAnti-viruses. There are many out there, but public ones get detectedfast. You can buy a private crypter that makes your server FUD (FullyUndetecable), I recommend iCrypt. As for public ones, there are many on these forums, just use the search box. Also, there seems to be even more on.Port ForwardingYou need to open ports to accept the incoming connections from theinfected zombies, and also to send outgoing commands to them. For helpon opening ports please go to The ports that the above host booters run on are listed directly below the title of them.